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How to Pronounce G?

Correct pronunciation for the word "G" is [d͡ʒˈiː], [d‍ʒˈiː], [dʒ_ˈiː].

Definition of G

  1. The seventh letter and the fifth consonant of the English alphabet. It has two sounds; one hard or close, as before a, o, u, l, and r, as in gave, got, gut, glue, grow; and the other soft, like the letter j, before e and i, as gem and gibbet; though in a few words of German origin it is sounded hard before e and i, as in get and begin; and generally when the g is doubled, as in dagger, &c. It is silent in some words, as benign, condign. As a numeral, G was anciently used to denote 400, and, with a dash over it, 40,000. In music, it is the mark of the treble clef; and, from its being placed at the head, or marking the first sound in Gnido's scale, the whole scale took the name gamut, from gamma, the Greek name of the letter.

Nuttall's Standard dictionary of the English language By Nuttall, P.Austin

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